"Simple & Modern ambiance is combined with convenient facilities for your successful business.
The Disabled Room is specially designed for disabled guests with features including a large LCD screen and a wheelchair-accessible bathroom.
In addition, for wheelchair users, the bathrooms have a button-operated sliding door system."
Services & Amenities
"Safe / Multi-Outlets / Mini Refrigerator / Lamp / Desk / Air-conditioner (Central Air-conditioning and Heating) / Bidet / Shower Booth / Hair Dryer / Wi-Fi Internet / Electric Transformer / 110V & 220V Power / Fitness / Convenience Goods / Sauna"
"10% VAT applies to all room rates.
Any reservations that have not been confirmed may be changed without notice.
Rates are subject to change without notice.
Group rates are set separately.
Additional 5% discount is available when you sign up for membership online. (Package item excluded)
Extended check-out will incur additional charges.
For more information on guestroom use, please refer to our FAQ.
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